Creator-based® Choice

It was a rough morning. This is what I heard as I listened to my inner dialogue. I woke up tired. Complained. There was a glitch with the bills. Worried. My schedule changed unexpectedly. Felt taken for granted. More work piled up. Felt a lack of control. My back hurt. Worried about it escalating and having to stop and not accomplish all that “needs" to be done today. I was forgotten by someone I love. I was ANGRY! After a nice lunch and some thought, I realized… I didn’t want to feel any of it. With each step, I resisted the feeling. Resistance makes everything worse. At any point, I can change my thinking, allow life to unfold, and accept what comes. Clearly, some days are better than others. Permission to be human, my friend. I like this scenario better: I woke up tired. Choice: Spent 3 minutes in loving-kindness meditation for an extra energy boost. I had a glitch in the bills and chose gratitude for seeing it....