
Showing posts from May, 2023

Creator-based® Choice

 It was a rough morning.  This is what I heard as I listened to my inner dialogue. I woke up tired. Complained. There was a glitch with the bills. Worried. My schedule changed unexpectedly. Felt taken for granted. More work piled up. Felt a lack of control.  My back hurt. Worried about it escalating and having to stop and not accomplish all that “needs" to be done today. I was forgotten by someone I love. I was ANGRY! After a nice lunch and some thought, I realized… I didn’t want to feel any of it. With each step, I resisted the feeling. Resistance makes everything worse. At any point, I can change my thinking, allow life to unfold, and accept what comes. Clearly, some days are better than others.  Permission to be human, my friend. I like this scenario better: I woke up tired.  Choice: Spent 3 minutes in loving-kindness meditation for an extra energy boost. I had a glitch in the bills and chose gratitude for seeing it.  Choice:  “I tru

Creator-based® Concentrate

May is listening month, and each week,  we examine another way to be better listeners.   This week seems really easy.  It is vitally important. Sometimes it’s enough to simply show up. Show up. Be there. Look them in the eye. Get curious. Focus. Don’t worry; it’s not about you. It’s all about them. Relax and just show up. Accept what comes. Be aware of your small inner voice. Learn from what is said. That’s beautiful listening. It also works personally, and wow, self-listening makes a profound difference! Try it. Read the list above again, focusing on that lovely person in the mirror.    Read it out loud to yourself. Show up for you. Listen. Love. Show up for someone else. Listen. Love. Try it today. I can and I will. So can you. All my love, Beth

Creator-based® Signatures

  I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday.     Women are so important to the world! When I was a little girl, my Mom made my school lunches.    I had an Archie Comic Book lunch box- Veronica was my favorite.    All the little kids carried lunch boxes. Then the day came that I grew up enough to have a brown paper bag for lunch instead of a lunchbox.    That was a special day.    All the big kids at school had brown paper bag lunches.    I coveted the crisply folded paper and its neatly creased and pointed corners.    I wanted that. I remember the pride I felt carrying my “bag lunch” to school.    My Mom wrote my name on the lunch in her strong, determined (probably incredibly busy and stressed) cursive handwriting.    I loved her handwriting and was proud of her beautiful style.   Mom had a perfect signature, and I sought to emulate it.    I would recognize it anywhere. It looked just like my Grandmother’s.    Still today, my heart smiles when I see it.  It is much like that with

Creator-based® Choosing

It's a brand new day,  and I get to do anything I want to with it. Today is a new day- right? It’s the fresh beginning of a new week. A Gift. But do I really get to do anything I want with it? There a nagging objection there. I mean, I have appointments and commitments and promises to keep. Is what’s on my list what I want? If you are feeling heavy in life, maybe it’s time to look again at what you want. Your fundamental desires. Allow me to share a few of mine; maybe it will activate thoughts on some of yours. I want to feel loved, confident, and of value. I want to feel in flow with my creator and those I love. I want to actively contribute to my community. What do you want? This month is listening month, and I’m sure, my friend, that there is a small voice inside you actively trying to let you know what she wants. Quite often, that voice communicates through anxiety, fatigue, or pain. If she feels afraid or uncertain, the fear may manifest in anxiety and fatigue. If she feels sa

Creator-based® Listening

 May is listening month at CMH Coaching- and that may seem counterintuitive when you consider how busy things can get in the spring.     There’s just too much to do, and it seems like more comes at you every day! You may think you don’t have time to stop and listen- But let me share a secret with you…. It’s a backward law, and it works. Slow Down to Accomplish More. When I was in my 20’s, I was attending a much anticipated, very stressful meeting.    My performance would be measured and tested, and I wasn’t feeling very confident. It was important that I be quick and sharp.    As I proceeded through the meeting, I got more and more worked up; sweaty palms, racing heart, you know- the works.    But then, in a moment,  I heard a quiet voice say to me, “Slow Down.”  It wasn’t an audible voice; it was the voice you hear in your heart.   Feeling like I was already drowning, I    grasped the idea and, with a measure of trust, gave my absolute, full attention to the task at hand. Slowly and m