Creator-based® Listening

 May is listening month at CMH Coaching- and that may seem counterintuitive when you consider how busy things can get in the spring.   There’s just too much to do, and it seems like more comes at you every day! You may think you don’t have time to stop and listen-

But let me share a secret with you…. It’s a backward law, and it works.

Slow Down to Accomplish More.

When I was in my 20’s, I was attending a much anticipated, very stressful meeting.  My performance would be measured and tested, and I wasn’t feeling very confident. It was important that I be quick and sharp.  As I proceeded through the meeting, I got more and more worked up; sweaty palms, racing heart, you know- the works.  But then, in a moment, 

I heard a quiet voice say to me, “Slow Down.” 

It wasn’t an audible voice; it was the voice you hear in your heart.  

Feeling like I was already drowning, I  grasped the idea and, with a measure of trust, gave my absolute, full attention to the task at hand. Slowly and methodically concentrating and moving through, I deliberately slowed down.  When I finished, I had taken so much time that it felt like I surely was doomed to be last.  I looked around me, and

I was the first one to finish! 

How does that pertain to listening? I like to say I am an exceptional listener.  Those of you who coach with and know me well recognize that I also love, love, love to talk.  Not interrupting is one of my ongoing goals.  It’s just so hard for me to be quiet! But still, I can tell you 

I am an exceptional listener.

Listening is a gift that comes from our Creator.  We can mindfully put ourselves in the headspace to listen. We can compassionately hold space for a friend and determine to listen and support.  We can also hope to become a supportive, listening person.  

However, my friend, maybe you, like me are an exceptional listener as well…

Exceptional can mean atypical, unusual, surprising.  All of those words mean unique, and seriously friend, we are both invaluably unique.  

What if you embrace your unique, exceptional listening ability by slowing down to do more this week?

Would you be willing to try for one week?

As we go through this month of listening, you will find that listening will be your best friend as the pace of life picks up.  Don't believe the false teachings that you don’t have time for it.  

Listening will allow you to work smarter, slow down, find pockets of peace, and actually do less while you accomplish more.  

Listening is a superpower.

We’ve got you covered.  We’ll be talking listening tools on the 50/50 Girls Club page, the podcast, A Creator-based® Life, and we even have a Jumpstart Workshop on listening May 4tat 7pm.  It’s called “Did You Know Your Body Can Talk?”  

The skills you gain in ‘hearing’ and listening will be especially valuable during this busy season.  

You can do less and expect more by listening.

All my love, 



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