Creator-based® Choice

 It was a rough morning.  This is what I heard as I listened to my inner dialogue.

  • I woke up tired.
    • Complained.
  • There was a glitch with the bills.
    • Worried.
  • My schedule changed unexpectedly.
    • Felt taken for granted.
  • More work piled up.
    • Felt a lack of control. 
  • My back hurt.
    • Worried about it escalating and having to stop and not accomplish all that “needs" to be done today.
  • I was forgotten by someone I love.
    • I was ANGRY!

After a nice lunch and some thought, I realized…

I didn’t want to feel any of it.

With each step, I resisted the feeling.

Resistance makes everything worse.

At any point, I can change my thinking, allow life to unfold, and accept what comes.

Clearly, some days are better than others.  Permission to be human, my friend.

I like this scenario better:

  • I woke up tired. 
    • Choice: Spent 3 minutes in loving-kindness meditation for an extra energy boost.
  • I had a glitch in the bills and chose gratitude for seeing it. 
    • Choice:  “I trust.”
  • My schedule changed.
    • Choice: “I wonder what good thing my Creator was bringing in place of my finite plans?” 
  • More work came in. 
    • Choice: “I am valuable. I am blessed to provide a needed service.”
  • Received an unkind comment.
    • That shows me what they’re thinking, “I choose to love them anyway.”  

It’s not about me. It’s about love and choice.

At any point in our day, we can choose back into satisfying, contented thoughts

and Create Happiness.

Here's to a great week!

All my love,



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