Creator-based® Concentrate

May is listening month, and each week, we examine another way to be better listeners.  

This week seems really easy.  It is vitally important.

Sometimes it’s enough to simply show up.

Show up.

Be there.

Look them in the eye.

Get curious.


Don’t worry; it’s not about you.

It’s all about them.

Relax and just show up.

Accept what comes.

Be aware of your small inner voice.

Learn from what is said.

That’s beautiful listening.

It also works personally, and wow, self-listening makes a profound difference!

Try it. Read the list above again, focusing on that lovely person in the mirror.    Read it out loud to yourself.

Show up for you.



Show up for someone else.



Try it today.

I can and I will.

So can you.

All my love,



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