
Grow by Looking?

  Grow by Looking? What 's that about? And maybe I don't want to. This was me last Monday a few minutes before Podcast Time.  I was a grumpy, complaining mess.  The principle of “Grow by Looking” gave me a miraculous turnaround.    To begin with I didn't want to do anything. Actually, I just wanted to be angry. It had been a hard Monday, and I rolled with the frustration and let it build.  By 3pm, I was peaking out and feeling pretty powerful in my anger and crabbiness.  Yet I needed to do a podcast on our “Top 10 ways to create a beautiful life.”  It makes me shake my head and laugh, Can you say hypocrite?   Well, friend, would you be so kind as to grant me permission to be human?  We all are, and we all do it. I sat in my yuck for a while and then decided I didn't really want to share that with 'all y'all'.   I decided to ‘Grow by Looking’.    I paid attention to the dialogue and feelings going on inside of me.  They were largely selfish and one-sided, but