
Creator-based® Restoration is not simply doing nothing....

  I spent the week at the beach in Galveston, and it was lovely. Perfect, really. I didn't do much. I walked on the beach, ate great food, watched some fun television, and slept a lot. It was restful, heart-filling, and restorative. Do you have the opportunity to restore yourself very often? Restoration has 2 phases for me. One is dumping, and the other is refilling. My dump phase usually involves doing something mindless: Netflix, Hulu, Instagram, or Thredup (my favorite online thrift store). By letting my mind just stop and empty out, it makes room for what I need to restore myself. The second part of restoration is what I call "filling." Filling for me looks like a walk on the beach or the woods by my house, reading a good book, talking with a friend, yoga, or organizing & rearranging the furniture in my tiny home. (There are only so many places to put your furniture in 400 square feet. :) By the time I have emptied and filled, I am ready to begin again. That, f