Creator-based® Restoration is not simply doing nothing....


I spent the week at the beach in Galveston, and it was lovely. Perfect, really. I didn't do much. I walked on the beach, ate great food, watched some fun television, and slept a lot. It was restful, heart-filling, and restorative.

Do you have the opportunity to restore yourself very often?

Restoration has 2 phases for me. One is dumping, and the other is refilling.

My dump phase usually involves doing something mindless: Netflix, Hulu, Instagram, or Thredup (my favorite online thrift store). By letting my mind just stop and empty out, it makes room for what I need to restore myself.

The second part of restoration is what I call "filling." Filling for me looks like a walk on the beach or the woods by my house, reading a good book, talking with a friend, yoga, or organizing & rearranging the furniture in my tiny home. (There are only so many places to put your furniture in 400 square feet. :)

By the time I have emptied and filled, I am ready to begin again. That, for me, is the perfect restoration practice. What does restoration look like for you?  


Restoration? Come to our Free Coach n Clear Class at 7pm, Monday, May 1, on Zoom! Come learn what Coach n Clear is, why it works, and how we do it. We will be doing an actual session so you can experience all the goodness, restoration, and the love.

Another restoration practice: Consider joining us on the podcast, the 50/50 Girl Club, or in a personal coaching session to truly enjoy and embrace the gift of imperfection. We even have coaching groups if you enjoy making new friends and working with others.

Do it often, friend. It's worth every minute.

All my love,



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