Fortunately, there is mercy within my world. I hope you find it in yours as well. My centered self gently offered a tiny glimmer of compassion. A candlelight, but light none the less. It was enough light to recognize what was happening in that tirade of internal darkness. I fanned that little light as best I could. Quietly, and with love, I began.
“Sweetie- you are doing your very best. Remember B- is good enough.”
“You have power within you to accomplish your purpose.”
“You’re good at this.”
“You are important and loved.”
“You are doing God’s work. It’s just taxes.”
“Ouch! This hurts. Let’s take care of you.”
My little candlelight of compassion began to swell with each centered statement, extending out to that irate inner critic. Soon, I was giggling at myself. What a drama queen! Here’s what I learned. Whether your struggle is taxes, relationships, pain, grief, or purpose, the same truth applies...
It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.
Light overcomes darkness every time.
Whether we see it or not, we are loved and supported on our journey. It just is.
God has blessed us with many superpowers. Among them is loving self-compassion.
Self coaching works!
Loving self-compassion is an incredible superpower. Try fanning that little flame for yourself!
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