Using these nine principles in the Creator-based® Way, we will bring energy up this winter and accomplish your goals in these long, dark days of snow and ice. Trust me, this stuff is powerful.
The Creator-Based® Way: The Power of Five Principles
With these principles in mind, let’s look atthe first ‘C’ in our ‘9C Life’ series—Calmness.
How can you be calm when your to-do list feels bottomless? When there are bills to pay? Things to watch or keep up with? Cars to fix and snow to shovel? Ah, my friend, no worries. Pause and enjoy a long, deep breath. Okay, maybe this one is short and in your chest, but try a second deep breath. It's better, right? Okay, now, the third breath is long and deep with a good, long exhale. That calm you just created is a faith-fueled gift!
Calmness allows us to tap into our inner wisdom, think clearly, and make choices aligned with our chosen goals and purpose. At first glance, calmness may seem like the opposite of productivity. After all, don’t we need to hustle, act quickly, and achieve results to be successful? It’s a common falsehood that busyness = productivity. The ‘backward law’ of mindfulness suggests something different: Do less. Expect more.
It’s true. When you slow down and choose to be more present, you accomplish more because you can see all of those little things you would typically skim by. Slowing down makes you more productive. We create more space for clarity, creativity, and meaningful action. It’s in the stillness between our breaths we often find the answers and the solutions we’ve been seeking. We become more focused, intentional, and present- and y’all, it’s wild when you deliberately slow your walk, your hand movement, or your breathing. You make fewer mistakes, leave space for our Creator to Communicate with you, and become substantially more effective in your life.
Besides the truth of a Faith-fueled, Creator-led life, here’s why this works: When we are constantly rushing or running on autopilot, our minds are scattered, and our energy is fragmented. We may appear productive, but it’s all on the surface. Our thoughts lack depth and connection. Conversely, when we slowly and deliberately approach life with calmness and mindfulness, we create space for deeper thinking and clearer decision-making, and remarkably, by slowing down our productivity increases. It is an act of faith to Do Less and Expect More- and that faith is richly rewarded.
Your Promised Tool for Cultivating Calmness: The 2-Minute Calmness Miracle
This tool is a mini-meditation you can use anytime you feel overwhelmed, distracted, or off base. (Yeah, I use it a lot.) It’s designed to help you quickly ground yourself and regain focus.
Step 1: Stop, Think, Pause, and Breathe. Create a quiet space by closing your eyes and pulling your energy in. Take a deep breath through your nose, pause at the top, and then let the breath out through pursed lips- as though breathing out through a straw. Consider quietly thinking about your favorite scripture- half on the in-breath and half on the exhale. I like to breathe, “trust in the Lord in all thy doings” on the inhale and exhale, “and He will direct thee for good.” The breath will help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and calm you physically, and the scripture invites the Spirit to center your soul.
Step 2: Center Yourself. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your abdomen. As you continue breathing deeply, connect to and feel your energy flowing between these two areas…from your heart to your gut, from your gut to your heart…This physical touch helps you reconnect with your physical body and restores your balanced center.
Step 3:Set an Intention. After a few breaths, ask yourself: “What do I need right now?” Sit with the question for a moment. Be still and trust that the answer will come; allow yourself to follow it. Maybe you’re hungry? Thirsty? Do you need to stretch your neck or shoulders? Maybe what is needed is a change of thought. Dismiss your doubts and own the intention that comes to you. One of my favorite intentions is “I have all the time I need.” Or maybe you want to go back to “Trust in the Lord.” Choose the intention that comes and move forward with it. Breathe it in, write it on a post-it, or say it out loud a few times. Just do it.
You will find increased calm, an ability to move a bit more slowly and presently, and you’ll whittle that to-do list down with a smile. Trust and let your faith-fueled, Creator-led life slow you down while your work is turbocharged.
This week’s challenge is to choose time in each day to deliberately slow down and mindfully choose to Do less, and Expect more. I would love to hear from you about what happens- drop us a line. You’ve got this, friend!
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