Would you like to feel more connected? Change the story you're telling yourself. You are strong.
You have unique gifts and talents, they are your talents, your differences.
I challenge you this week to take some time and let yourself stop the story in your head, turn the channel if you must to some good music or a blog that makes you feel good. Change the story and see yourself for who you really are- an amazing, unique gift to this world, different by design.
Would you feel more connected?
Would you embrace more of your unique gifts and talents, your differences?
The Stories I Tell Myself in My Head.
I listened to a coaching call this morning. When the gal who came for help had finished explaining herself- and it took awhile -her wise coach said, “I’m going to ask you to do something very difficult. Will you do it for me? “Yes”, came the hesitant yet determined reply. Then the coach used three words that made all the difference, “Stop the Stories.”
Stop the Stories.
What would your life look like without the stories?
Would you feel more connected?
Would you embrace more of your unique gifts and talents, your differences?
I challenge you this week to take some time and let yourself stop the story in your head, turn the channel if you must to some good music or a blog that makes you feel good. Stop the story and see yourself for who you really are- an amazing, unique gift to this world, different by design.
Sameness is to be found most among the most “natural” men, not among those who surrender to Christ. How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been; how gloriously different are the Saints. C.S. Lewis
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