Creator-based® Choices

 Greetings, dear friend! 🌟

How has your inaugural week of the New Year unfolded? Ah, the season of fresh beginnings, where hope and optimism intertwine with the sniffles and flu, bills to pay, and blessings to savor. It's a 50/50 blend of life's tapestry; remarkably, it's all good.

Life is woven with threads of hardship and ease, good and evil. The beauty lies in our ability to navigate these intricacies and craft a rich, fulfilling existence.

Henry Nouwen wisely said, "The question is not 'How am I to love God?' but 'How am I to let myself be loved by God?'" Love is the answer.

As you walk through your days, are you open to feeling the love that your Creator has for you?

Here are three ideas to try to enjoy more love in your life this week, whether your life is hope, optimism, flu, or overdue bills…

1. Choose not to play the role of judge.

Of all of the ways I feel more love in my life, this is number one. When I choose to opt out of judgment (this is so hard for me!), life is always better. Choosing not to criticize, hypothesize why, or explain away someone’s offensive behavior (I was offended because I judged…) leaves so much room for light and hope that sometimes I don’t even know what to think about all the possibilities. Try it. For one day or one hour, choose to suspend all judgment. Love shows up, the world opens, and light pours in.

2. Choose not to worry. (A form of judgment)

Imagination and the ability to reason are gifts given to us by our Creator. So is our brain. Since our brain is always on the alert for ways to protect us, reason, on high alert, can misread a situation and begin to worry. As that worry increases, imagination engages, and if we are not cognizant of our thoughts, a whopper of a scary story can be created. Our worries can create incredible physical reactions in our bodies, generating emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, and betrayal- even when nothing has happened at all. 

Fortunately, we can always choose our thoughts. If you struggle with this, join us for group coaching: coach n clear or a mastermind group.

 Learn to self-coach. The power of self-coaching is profound.

3. Create more love:  If things can be horrible and end badly, couldn’t something wonderful happen just as easily? It’s only a thought, friend, and a thought can be changed.  Choose a thought that helps you feel better. With that change in thought comes a change in emotion. If you sustain that emotion for a while, you can even change your mood. Hang around with that positive mood, and it will become a habit, a character trait, and ultimately a gift to your posterity through your DNA. The thoughts you choose to create are powerful!

There are endless possibilities in this world. 

Choose the ones that help you feel loved and secure. 

You are a creator by heritage.

Use that divine gift and create a life you love. 

You’ll be glad you did.

All my love, 


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