
Showing posts from January, 2024

Keeping the momentum going with Hope

  Create the Life You Love, the Creator-based ®  Way! MONDAY MORNING INSPIRATION Hey friend! Can you believe January is almost over?  All the excitement about What’s Your Word and Your INSPIRED Goals may be beginning to fade.  But don’t worry- the month of self-love is fast approaching.   As we finish this first month in 2024, let's visit for a minute on hope for the future.  As holiday excitement and New Year resolutions fade, hope may fade, too.  But here are a few tips and tricks to keep the hope going-   Remember something you are grateful for.  I always feel more hopeful when remembering the good things in my life.  Indoor plumbing, central heat, and air, and clean, clear water straight from the tap top my list.  What’s on yours? Change is a gift.  Whatever is happening in my life right now will soon pass.  Change is a constant in life.  If I’m in a good season, remembering change is coming helps me be more present and drink in all that goodness.  If things are rough, I know i

Creator-based® Goodness

  In your heart of hearts, do you feel like you’re a good person? For me, that has changed through life seasons, but I have learned a way to get an accurate picture of my present circumstances. To begin with, you are whole and valuable just as you are.  Never forget your innate value.  The fact that you are here means we need you.  Our Creator is abundant but smart.  Nothing is wasted- and that includes the energy needed to create you.  You are worth every effort ever exerted on your behalf.  You, my friend, are a treasure indeed. Now, that has not always rung true to me in my life, so I want to share with you a way to get a more accurate picture than you may see in your present circumstance.  Maybe you’re in a great place.  In that case, read no further.  You know your worth, and you know how much we need you.  Kudos.  But, on doubtful days, this might help.  It helped me.  You’ll need paper and a pen. Five steps for clarity, the Creator-based® Way. Pray.  Check-in with your

Creator-based® Stories

  Create the Life You Love, the Creator-based ®  Way! MONDAY MORNING INSPIRATION   Have you ever been lonesome while in a group of people?  Remember that middle school fear of not having someone to sit with at lunch, or being picked last for kickball?  It can be quite daunting, feeling alone and different in a group.   The thing is, we  are  different.  We are different by divine design and those differences are what give our lives delightful purpose and energy. Why then, do we feel lonesome in those differences sometimes?   The Stories I Tell Myself in My Head.   I listened to a coaching call this morning.  When the gal who came for help had finished explaining herself- and it took awhile -her wise coach said, “I’m going to ask you to do something very difficult. Will you do it for me?  “Yes”, came the hesitant yet determined reply.  Then the coach used three words that made all the difference, “Stop the Stories.” Stop the Stories. THE STORY IN MY HEAD FEELING LONESOME?   Would you li