Creator-based® Relationship Help


I often feel lonely. What do I do?

When I was younger, I was often lonely. There weren't kids in the neighborhood my age, and I was by nature introverted and a l bit shy. In 5th grade, though, I did have a best friend, Dawn Romanowski, a good soul with a kind heart.

I hope you have had the good fortune of having a best friend during your lifetime, a friend who, for a time, understood and appreciated you for who you deeply and truly are. It is an amazing comfort and makes things right with your world. When I think of my best friendships, I can’t help but smile. My heart warms with the memory. They are such a gift, temporary though they are.

The question for you this week is, what was the history of being besties in that friendship? Where did you meet? What stood out for you about that person and made you want to be friends? Why did the relationship continue? What were the hallmark moments you shared? If you can, write it down. As you write, more will come, and so will the gratitude power we all need.

Now consider your relationship with your Creator. Call your Creator what you will; we all are created in their image and are innate creators ourselves.  

Considering your relationship with your Creator, can you say you are best friends? Do you have a history together? Are there memories of special times and inside jokes because of experiences you have shared? Can you say that you visit together regularly and bask in that comfort and affirmation of friendship?

It’s a new way to look at it, isn’t it? I challenge you to take a few minutes this week and write about the relationship history you share with your Creator. Note the high points and low points, the support and disappointments. It’s all good. You’re all good. Not perfect, but that’s on purpose- you’re all good.

Do you want to deepen the relationship and friendship with your Creator? Do you want fewer lonely moments? You are the creator of your life experience. You get to choose how you go forward.  

Consider it.


Move forward.

Build a Creator relationship.

I promise your loneliness level will decrease.

You have within you light and truth, all the power you need to grow and progress.

Enjoy it!

Decide what you may do to nurture that friendship this week.

And may you bask in the light of a satisfying relationship.

All my love,


Learn more about creating your best life, the Creator-based® Way, in a private session with Beth. Register at

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Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care?Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

If you struggle, click here to get help.

Nobody has to suffer! We are here to help.


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