Together is Better, Creator-based® Style.


Together is Better

YouWeek is over, and what a great party! The camaraderie, wisdom, and lessons shared inspired everyone who attended. Thanks to all. Truly, Together is better.

Unity is a powerful energy. When we are one, we are exponentially better. One and One don’t equal two when there is Unity. One and One synergized through unity can equal 150. Unity is an amazing force.

Consider these ideas to bring that synergy and energy to your week:

1. Compassion in Unity:

Start by embracing compassion for yourself and others. We're all on unique journeys, and that's what makes us shine together. Different is amazing! Feeling conflict? Deep breath, hold your tongue and listen to understand. You can do this.

2. Mindfulness Magic:

Try this fun experiment to be mindful all day long: Keep your mind where your feet are for a day. If you’re in the break room at work, don’t let your mind wander home. If you’re home, keep your mind on being there and doing just what is happening at the moment. Soccer practice? Your mind stays engaged in the game. Try it for a day and see how you feel.

3. Find Common Ground:

Listen actively for understanding and connection. Focus on what we have in common because, at the core, we're all human. That's the common ground we stand on. We all want love, belonging, and peace. Unity brings that.

4. Light and Truth Unite:

Recognize the inner light and truth in yourself and others. Your light will join the light of others when you do, creating a beautiful unity that feels oh-so-good!

5. Embrace Change Together:

Change is a gift. Simply observe the evolving dynamics in your relationships without judgment. I know, easier said than done, but try. Each day a little better.

We learned together in YouWeek; let’s learn together in life.

 Together is better. 🌟💖🤗

All my love,



Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care?Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

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