Creator-based® resilience: Be like a bouncy ball. They have all the fun.


I had this funny feeling that just kept nagging at me. After about the fourth time of wondering, I decided to check. Had I really written the Monday Morning Inspiration this week? I mean, it’s Labor Day after all, surely I would have written it way ahead of time. But I couldn’t remember. Thank goodness for funny little feelings. It had not been written.

Y’all deserve a little inspiration, even on a holiday, so it’s Saturday and I am writing a little hope for you. September's theme is Resilience. I love the idea of resilience- silly putty, taffy, balloons, brand-new hair ties and headbands. They’re strong yet supple and bounce back with force and grace. Resilience is a beautiful thing.

How’s yours? Do you bounce back with grace and tenacity? Mine, well, lately, it’s been a little salt water taffy-ish. With the CoVid thing, and the recovery, and loving my work enough that it’s hard to stop… my resilient balloon is looking a little soggy and overblown.

Let’s talk about how to create the resilience that our body, mind, and Spirit need to bounce back with grace.

Consider these:  **Daily meditation:** Meditation is something you can do walking, washing dishes, or when you first awaken in the morning. It becomes a way of life. Try noticing this week when you pause- and give yourself credit for “meditating.”

**Feeding your body well:** Your body is your best friend. Take some time and thank her with some good food. It’s probably not donuts or French fries. Fruit instead of sugar, water instead of soda. That’s a great start.

**Sleep:** My experience has taught me that if I put screens away 2 hours before I want to be asleep, I fall asleep much earlier and rest more deeply. Just decide when you’d like to be asleep and then shut down your screens 2 hours before that. It’s tough, but oh so worth it for building resilience! And the rest feels amazing.

You are a strong, resilient woman already. It's not selfish to care about and for yourself. It's a gift you give to those you love.

Did you know that one of our Creator-based® Coaches is presenting on the global stage? Two days before YouWeek, on September 9th, 9 am PST, Jaycine Bonnett will teach you how to stop feeling like you’re hanging on by your fingernails and begin to enjoy your life again.Her Totally Free Workshop, Moving from Grit to Grace, is here:

It won't be recorded, so put it on the calendar and plan to be there. It will be well worth your time. See you at YouWeek! And I’ll be at Jaycine’s presentation too!

All my love,


Build resilience! Take care of YOU! Come to YOUWEEK! It’s an hour just for you every night for five nights straight and is guaranteed to bring good change to your life. It’s September 11-15th at 7 pm CST on Zoom. If you can’t attend live, we understand- it’s a school night, after all. It’s recorded, and you will receive the recordings to listen to as many times as you like. All this for only $19. Our gift to you- because we all need a little “You Time”.

Don’t miss it- we only hold YouWeek once a year!

Click here to Register for YouWeek!
Click here to register for Moving from Grit to Grace!

Remember how great "YouWeek" was last year? It's that time again! 5 nights of live training to create a life you love. Upbeat, encouraging- and a free recording so you can watch it again over and over. September 11th-15th, 7 pm CST. Click this link to register.


Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care?Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

If you struggle, click here to get help.

Nobody has to suffer! We are here to help.

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