Creator-based® Change- it's Coming Again!


The Winds of Change are Coming...

It’s August! And the winds of change have begun to blow. It’s back-to-school season, and whether you have kids in school or were once a school kid, we all feel it. Change is coming; football season and the holidays are right around the corner.

How does that feel to you? Are you excited? Do you dread it? 

A combination of both?

We all have opinions about change, but try this thought on:

‘Change is a gift.’

If we didn’t have the gift of change, a toothache would go on forever, we would never add more money to our checking account, and we wouldn’t love the precious moments we spend with our loved ones quite as much because there would be no time to miss them and feel that bittersweet contrast.  Change is good, friend.

How, then, do we passionately embrace change?  How do we get excited about even the unwelcome changes?

Here are a couple of ideas for you to ponder this week-

  1. Appreciate that all things are temporary and soak up the exquisite good in them.  This is the gift of presence. The scent of a rose, or fresh snow, the smile on a baby's face- temporary and precious. Soak up every moment.
  2. Look for the lesson in the change. There is a lesson in every.single.experience. It can be a fun game to lighten life up a little and play with finding the lesson. What’s the lesson in unemployment? In a broken ankle? In a child who doesn’t follow his parent’s dreams?

Well, friend, you tell me. I know for me, lessons like treasuring the little things, slowing down, and loving someone for who they are and not what they do come to mind.

What will you appreciate in the changes of this next week? Reply to this email and share the gifts of change you see this week.


Change is a Gift.

All my love,


Wanna learn more about appreciating the ever-present changes in life? Come to YOUWEEK! It’s an hour just for you every night for five nights straight and is guaranteed to bring good change to your life. It’s September 11-15th at 7 pm CST on Zoom. If you can’t attend live, we understand- it’s a school night, after all. It’s recorded, and you will receive the recordings to listen to as many times as you like. All this for only $19. Our gift to you- because we all need a little “You Time”.

Don’t miss it- we only hold YouWeek once a year!

Click here to Register for YouWeek!

Remember how great "YouWeek" was last year? It's that time again! 5 nights of live training to create a life you love. Upbeat, encouraging- and a free recording so you can watch it again over and over. September 11th-15th, 7 pm CST. Click this link to register.


Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care? Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

If you struggle, click here to get help.

Nobody has to suffer! We are here to help.

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