Creator-based® Rule No. 1: Let it make you smile!


See Life on its Own Terms, or Not.

I know you. If you’re reading this, you welcome challenges- even in the summertime. Thanks for all the positive feedback. I love to hear from readers!

Troubles can feel big, but often, overcoming adversity is done by small tweaks in your approach. Small adjustments can make a huge difference, and the good news is that success lies in your own hands no matter what life dishes out. You are the creator of your life experience!

The trash didn’t get taken out - again.

The electric bill payment is late- there goes $25!

There’s an unidentified bad smell in the kitchen. Yuck!

Your sweetie was less than affectionate. What’s up with that?

Adversity? Probably not. But the way you handle these smaller impositions can prevent a snowball effect in your day. By choosing a creative approach to small things, the big adversities are easier.

You get to choose the way you respond to the trash, bills, and unidentified odors in your life. Consider granting the perpetrator ‘permission to be human’ or responding with humor. A good-natured approach, selfishly, makes your life so much more fun!

So today, when you are tempted to grumble, consider outlandish storytelling to amuse yourself out of the disgruntled moment.  

The crazier the tale, the better.  

That person that cut you off is rushing to the hospital for the birth of his twins.

The trash gremlins cursed your 15-year-old. 

Your sweetie was preoccupied with the diamond ring order they just placed for you. 

Make yourself smile with your story.  

You are a born creator.

There is power in choice.  

There is power in imagination.

Choose today to create something that makes you smile.

All my love,


Click here to Register for YouWeek!

Remember how great "YouWeek" was last year? It's that time again! 5 nights of live training to create a life you love. Upbeat, encouraging- and a free recording so you can watch it again over and over. September 11th-15th, 7 pm CST. Click this link to register.


Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care? Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

If you struggle, click here to get help.

Nobody has to suffer! We are here to help.

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