Creator-based® Care


I woke up with the Monday Blahs, feeling a little under the weather and really not in the mood to work. I bumbled through my morning routine, doing it but feeling put upon, directionless and unmotivated. Avoiding my shower &, self-care, and blowing off my plan for writing, I puttered on my computer. I finally meandered into our blog space but didn’t have a heart for it. Picking up my current read, I saw this:

“We clearly need something to make it impossible for us to stop ignoring ourselves.” 

Wow! It smacked me right between the eyes.

Laughing, I got up and proceeded to STOP IGNORING and take care of myself, shaking my head with a rueful smile over and over through the process. I had spent the past 4 hours ignoring myself, feeling more out of sorts with every hour that passed. Thank goodness for a Creator to guide my path and call it to my attention!

I’m going to shower- but I will finish this when I have washed off the residual grumpy self-pity, drama, and angst. hour later……

Okay- the emotional malaise is gone. I washed it all down the drain and have a fresh view without all that mud on my figurative windshield.

How do we stop ignoring ourselves? Girlfriend, check your focus.

Where is your emotional focus at this moment? What are your thoughts saying? Is your focus on yourself, your gratitudes, creations, needs, and your personal power to care and make your own choices? Or is it on fixing something for someone else? Or fixing a situation so that you believe you can feel happy? Or even more dramatic, blaming someone else for your discomfort? 

As a 50/50 Girl, I recognize my focus will periodically be on the good, and other times on the not-so-good. We are learning and growing all the time, through good and not-so-good, but I also know, as that same 50/50 Girl, that where I choose to put my focus is where I will go in thought, word, and deed.

This morning my focus was on problems and discomfort. I had been ignoring myself and feeling like a victim to things around me. When that inspired quote came to light, I realized my happiness was in recognizing that I am a creator in my own life. That singular truth shifted my heart to care for the person central to my happiness- Me.

All of us have a built-in alarm system- emotion. Sometimes it’s quietly reminding, and sometimes it’s screaming to get your attention. Check-in with your feelings. If they would speak to you, what words would they use? Where is your focus?

Here are a few Self-care focus thoughts for your toolbox. when you don't feel balanced, happy, or at peace, try one of these thoughts to get you started back in the right direction:

  • What do I need right now?
  • What do I want to feel?
  • What thought could possibly create a 'good' feeling for me?
  • What is the next right step to fill my need?
  • Do I have something or someone that could help?

The 50/50 Girl Club has both the someones and the somethings to help if you need some extra support. Click this link to Join us for our Monthly Jumpstart your Life Workshop on Zoom July 8th at 9 am CST. It's a great way to get started.

More Self-care practice: Consider joining us on the podcast, the 50/50 Girl Club, or in a personal coaching session with Beth to learn to create the life you love. We even have coaching groups, if you enjoy making new friends and working with others

All my love,


Our 50/50 Girl Club Community and our Facebook Page, Creator-based® Coaching, can be simple and available self-care tools for you. :) Have an amazing week!


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