Creating a Mule Mind- you know you want one...


Cultivate your 'Mule Mind'.

Living in the country, our family has had their share of experience with horses, mules, and other animals. The horses are beautiful, stately, noble, and run like the wind. The mules, not so much, but they get things done. They’re strong and are a real asset for guarding the other animals and helping with farm work.

The difference between a mule and a horse, though, is that the horse wants to please his master. The mule, again, not so much.

The horse will run himself into the ground for his leader. He is so devoted that he will literally work himself to death. A horse needs to be told when to stop. His emotions override his body’s needs. The mule, not so much.

You see, a mule knows his limits. Somehow, mules have learned to understand the signals of being tired and worn out. When a mule feels a load is too heavy for him, he will sit down and go no farther. A mule knows what he can or cannot do long-term and is not afraid to take care of himself.

Are you a horse or a mule?

Will you, have you, run yourself into the ground to please others? To be seen as a ‘good mom,’ a ‘good worker,’ or a ‘good person’? Or do you, like the mule, know how to sit down and say no when your body gives you signals that you need to rest and replenish?

This week, consider creating and cultivating a ‘mule mind.’ When your emotions are telling you that you need a break, and you know which emotions I’m talking about- frustration, loneliness, sadness, unworthy or worthless…Stop. Be like the mule and plunk yourself down and rest.

It could look like a night spent with a book. Making a cup of tea. A lunch walk in the park. Some time with nothing to do but listen to music. A talk with a neglected friend. A long run or a yoga session. Draw something. Create something. Be you for a little while, not someone’s wife, Mom, daughter, or worker.

There will always be more fields to plow.

Take care of yourself.  

Cultivate your inner mule.  


Join us for YouWeek September 11-15. It is ‘replenish and restore’ time just for You. We will help you create the life you have long wanted, filled with peace, hope, calm, and confidence. Your inner mule will thank you.  

(There will be recordings available as well. It’s a school night, I know. Just join us, and for a little while, let us take care of You.)

Click here to Register for YouWeek!

Remember how great "YouWeek" was last year? It's that time again! 5 nights of live training to create a life you love. Upbeat, encouraging- and a free recording so you can watch it again over and over. September 11th-15th, 7 pm CST. Click this link to register.


Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care? Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

If you struggle, click here to get help.

Nobody has to suffer! We are here to help.

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