Peace in Diversity Creator-based® Commonalities


 Family & Relationships: ‘Peace in Diversity’

Creator-based® Commonalities

When our children are born, we imagine great things for them.  As they grow in our love and security, we give our all, and our expectations grow as well.  As the kids grow to adulthood, they may buck those expectations.  

What is your thought about that?  

Are you all in for them doing things differently?

No? That’s okay.  This is about everyone’s growth and learning.

 What is the situation as you see it? Name it. 

What is the thought associated with this situation?  Examine it.

What is the emotion & experience this thought generates? Challenge it!

What is a new thought that will bring you joy in their journey? Create it!

What action will you take to create your new result? Do it.

 Universally we are gifted by our Creator to be able to choose.  

We can allow and let go for both parties involved in our relationship.  

We let go of our expectations and love.

We allow their new choice and love.

 If at first, letting go and allowing is too hard, we can choose to be willing instead.

Try it.  Think of a difficult situation. Say to yourself, “I am willing to consider that this could be different from how I see it and think about it.”  See what comes up, and be willing to hear it.  Say it again, “I am willing to consider that this could be different from how I see it and am thinking about it.” Listen and repeat.  It’s incredible what you will learn.

 Choosing to be willing is an action that we can practice daily.

Notice the resistance you feel to the situation or thought you’re having.

Take a deep breath or two, and let go of the tension resistance creates.

Feel the Creator energy flow through you.

Embrace that life-sustaining flow

and let it carry away the resistance and the expectation.

Stay open and willing.

Practice the steps.

Do you see results? This is the way to create love and peace in your relationships.

Love, only love.

Holiday stress & tension? 

What is your thought about this situation? Call out the lie.  

Create a new thought, emotion, and experience, and enjoy the result!

All my love,



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