
Showing posts from December, 2022

Creator-based® Challenge 2022

  Oh my gosh! There are so many New Year advertisements out there promising weight loss, success, and a whole new you if you follow their program.   I’m kind of over it.   Are you? No? I’m so glad because I have an idea to offer that has worked well for me for many years now, and yes, it smacks of New Year's Goals and stuff like that.   This one is kinder and gentler and really will lead to happiness. Your Year in Review. One of my favorite after-Christmas activities is to get my guys out of the house for a day and settle onto the couch with an inspirational chick flick.  Being a fashion junkie, I like Confessions of a Shopaholic, Devil Wears Prada, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (that yellow dress!), or something like that.  Whatever makes you feel happy and cared for. I settle into the couch with my new planner, favorite pens and art supplies, and last year's planner as well.  Now, not everyone keeps a planner, I know.  If you don’t, bring whatever calendar you used or yo

Creator-based® Commotion

  Creator-based® Commotion Does it feel like our whole world is in commotion right now?  There are so many things changing and happening at once!  At my house, it’s family coming and going, job and relationship changes, and then there are Christmas preparations, expectations, and memories.  Commotion! Lots of it. I find, now that I have a few decades of Christmases under my belt… (yeah, I just said that. It actually felt good.  All of those decades of experience make me feel a little more authoritative, and don’t we all need to feel more confident? Indulge me, k?)  Now that I have a few decades of Christmases under my belt, I have many Christmas memories to recall.  The question is, what thoughts do those recollections spark?  Some are grateful, some happy, and some sad or self-indulgent pity.  I have specific thought patterns I have inadvertently created over those “decades.”  You might too.   See if you recognize any of these thought patterns and beliefs- I just love Christ

Peace in Diversity Creator-based® Commonalities

    Family & Relationships: ‘Peace in Diversity’ Creator-based® Commonalities When our children are born, we imagine great things for them.  As they grow in our love and security, we give our all, and our expectations grow as well.  As the kids grow to adulthood, they may buck those expectations.   What is your thought about that?   Are you all in for them doing things differently? No? That’s okay.  This is about everyone’s growth and learning.   What is the situation as you see it?  Name it.  What is the thought associated with this situation?   Examine it. What is the emotion & experience this thought generates?  Challenge it! What is a new thought that will bring you joy in their journey?  Create it! What action will you take to create your new result?  Do it.   Universally we are gifted by our Creator to be able to choose.   We can allow and let go for both parties involved in our relationship.   We let go of our expectations and love. We allow their new choice and love.  

Life Journeys: the Creator-based® Decathlon

  Life journeys, the Creator-Based®  Decathlon Life can feel like a long and arduous journey, a decathlon.  Life journeys are different for everyone.  I am still waiting to see a Hallmark Movie Life come to reality, yet many of us still have that expectation.   We all have messy, muddy moments and a few delightful mountaintops.  That’s the journey. We love being on the journey, but do we love watching our loved one’s journey when they appear to be screwing it all up?  (Call out the lie in your head about what they ‘should’ be doing, girlfriend!) What is the situation as you see it? Name it.  What is the thought associated with this situation?   Examine it. What is the emotion & experience that thought generates? Challenge it! What is a new thought that will bring you joy in their journey? Create it! You are the creator of your life experience.   Life does not simply happen to you.   You are the child of a Creator. You are gifted with all the power of your Creator.