Creator-based® Constancy
‘Constant’ is one of those words that can be either stalwart and steadfast or miserable and unending. It’s just like that.
Constant tiny changes can create big, powerful events- either for good or evil. Today though, let’s talk about the good stuff.
There is power in constancy and a special creative power in remaining constant in our quest, no matter what we are creating.
By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
What are your small and simple constants?
In my personal life, the foods I eat, the activities I pursue, and the relationships I cultivate may involve tiny constants. It’s the small choices of whether I read or watch videos or whether I eat granola or stir-fry veggies for dinner, whether I watch that movie or go for a walk.
In business, it is no different. Life is built in baby steps.
We create, day by day, the circumstance in which we choose to live.
Consider your constants in thought.
Are you acting as a creator in your life? Or a victim of circumstance?
What baby step could you take today, or even better, create as a tiny constant, to bring big changes?
Ideas to try on may be thoughts like-
…and that’s okay.
…she’s doing the best she has with what she knows.
…I want to create.
…what will I learn from this?
…I have all the power within me I need.
…different is good.
…change is a gift.
What constants do you have in your life?
Is there one you’d like to create?
Here’s to constant creation my friend!
Have a great week!
All my love,
:) Beth
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