Creator-based® Connection

Have you ever had a day when you felt all stickery and prickly, and nothing felt good no matter what you did? It can make for one miserably long day, right? I had a day like that last week. My nose was running, I was sneezing and tired, my to-do list was a mile long, and I just wanted to settle in on the couch with a mystery to read, but I couldn't. Nothing felt good. I made it through the day okay, didn't hurt anyone's feelings too much, and managed to stay out of trouble. But then the most remarkable thing happened... We had YouWeek. Yeah, I know you have all heard about YouWeek through our email campaign, and some of you joined us. It was a pretty phenomenal event. The magic really happened as we were all sitting together in our workshop and talking about the principles of peace. The women in the group were sharing different challenges they faced, and others shared different solutions they had, and we laughed together and felt all the things we had in co...