The Creator-based® Condition

Victims need villains.

Creators need heroes.

A hero could be a leader, mentor, role model, or life coach.

My heart skipped a beat to see hero and life coach in the same definition, but really, everyone needs a coach of one kind or another.  We all need someone who gets us and cheers us on.

Do you have villains in your life? I do.  The chocolate bar in my kitchen often becomes a villain, as well as the guy in customer service who just doesn’t get what I need.  We all have villains.  We all need heroes. 

Joseph Campbell was the Father of all hero studies.  He studied the myths and stories in ancient world literature and created a model called The Hero’s Journey.  It looks like this.  Can you locate yourself in the cycle?

Here are a couple tips that will make your journey smoother:

  • Take along a good sleeping bag.  We all need a soft landing space and someone to snuggle.  Be kind to your inner self. Curate your friend group.  Keep the ones that are kind to you and, in all honesty, love you. Be soft.
  • Carry the bare minimum, but be prepared.  Have you ever had a really great utility knife? The ones with the tweezers are my favorite.  So much opportunity in 6 inches of steel! Choose your life skills and tools the same way.  Don’t overburden yourself with too many rules and regulations.  Simple is best.  Accept what is, do what must be done, and do all things in love.

To quote one of my personal heroes, Lisa Rankin, “You are a hero.  I am a hero.  We are all, every single one of us, on what Joseph Campbell calls a hero’s journey carrying within us a Nelson Mandela, or Joan of Arc, or Luke Skywalker, or Mother Theresa, or Helen Keller.  We are Bilbo Baggins and Erin Brockovich and Oprah and Harry Potter.  Like these classic heroes, we are all little sparks of divinity on a mission to step into our true nature and fulfill the Divine Assignment our souls chose here on earth.”

Be the hero of your own story this week.  

Create a soft landing space.

Accept what is.

Do what must be done.

Do it all in love.

All my love,



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