Creator-based® Capacity


It’s hot and approaching August, summer’s “dog days.”  How are you feeling? Like your tank is filled up and ready for fall? Maybe a little irritated with kids or the heat? 

Do you feel like you might need to increase the capacity of your tank a little? 

Creating and increasing our capacity is not hard.  

It simply requires that we try, and of course that we do.

One of my favorite creative processes utilizes the power of remembering. Yes, remembering is an act of creation and can increase capacity in many ways. It goes like this-  

Remember when you did something grand before? 

Remember that day you rose above your own selfish or petty desires and were kind, articulate, brave, or assertive?  

Remember how success felt?

You can do that again- only better.

You know more now than you did then.  

You have more experience and more learning under your belt.

Why wouldn’t you be able to do this?

The power of remembering boosts your capacity through added confidence and works in other ways.

When I remember something I deeply felt and knew in my heart in the past, I can feel it and rekindle it again.  Sometimes with increased capacity.

Remember what you knew.

My husband can drive me nuts.  It’s not his fault; really, it’s all me.  He chose to marry a passionate, somewhat impulsive soul, and he hasn’t learned to read my mind and do what I think before I ask yet.  I mean, it’s been more than 40 years….shouldn’t that happen soon?  (Rueful smile, shake my head at my own inadequacies…)

When I am irritated or judgmental in my relationships, I can use the power of remembering to increase my capacity and cultivate the needed trait- patience, kindness, compassion, longsuffering……you know the list.

Remember something extraordinary about that person.  

Remember something you saw them do that was magnanimous, smart, or impressive, even a little bit.  

Remember their goodness. 

 It will increase your capacity to feel positively towards them and lead you to the patience, kindness, and compassion you need in that situation. 

They benefit, yes, but you are the true beneficiary.  

You are stretching your character muscles and becoming more of whom you want to be- increasing your capacity. (And everyone is happy while he continues to learn to read your mind- my husband is such a good man!)

Don’t underestimate your capacity.  

We have no idea how powerful and unique we are.  

Anita Canfield is quoted as saying, 

“If you could see the woman you will become, 

you would rise up and never be the same again.”  

Seriously- you’re growing into something beyond your imagination.  

There are seeds of divinity sprouting even as you’re reading this.  

Take some time and check in with your Creator- 

see if you can be gifted with inklings of the woman you will become. 

 Don’t underestimate your capacity.  

You’re going somewhere, sister.

Becky Craven recently said,  

“I you want to know anything, you have to do something.”

 (Even if it’s google). 

Do something this week- remember the good, stretch your character muscle, and give yourself credit for your greatness.

Next week, your capacity for good will be a little larger.

You’ll be glad you did!

All my love,



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