Your Creator-based® Course

What does the course of a Creator-based Life look like?

It looks messy.

It has moments of joy.

It has moments of sadness and grief.

It is angry.

It is forgiving.

It has moments of delight and clarity.

It has moments of confusion.

It has seasons of growth.

It has reasons of much deserved, absolutely delicious rest.

It has pleasure.

It is stretching your soul.

Though you are deliberately creating your life, it is not a linear life path. 

A CB® life path climbs and tumbles, over and over again.  

The ultimate trajectory, however, is ascension.

You’re better at things this year than you were last year.  

Repeat that year after year and you are creating something spectacular.

A Creator-based life is constantly changing, and different by design.

A creator-based life is powerful and will change the world.



Often imperceptibly.

Until it doesn’t, and suddenly, the change is huge!

Let’s create together.

All my love, 



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