
Showing posts from February, 2022

Creator-based® Calamities

  Oh my gosh! I made a mistake and it’s a calamity!   Did you see last week’s post? The word ‘because’ was where the word ‘becoming’ should have been! Eeeeeeeek!  It made no sense and looked so bad! The things I send out should be perfect right? Wrong.   I’m not perfect.   You’re not perfect.   Why would what I write be perfect? A Creator-based® life is a whole new way to view (and make) mistakes. Mistakes can be our safety/pressure release valve .   Have you ever been so crazy busy and frazzled that you make dumb mistakes? That happens to me all the time.   I get all up in my head and start to stress.   Then I goof up. When I goof up I generally have two options-   berate myself & admit defeat, or forgive in love and move forward.   Could there be a third option? What if I saw that mistake as an opportunity to notice the speed at which I was moving, take a breath, and choose to restore my focus? What if I chose to immediately focus on the mistake, deeply and singularly seeing it a

Creator-based Caring

To care is to somehow rise above things without leaving them. It’s hard to help if you’re under the heavy weight of your own problems. It’s hard to care if you are overburdened with concerns. How do you rise above things without leaving them? We don't want to be hard-hearted and simply ignore the opportunities to help the world, but we don’t want to be snowed under with all the pain and suffering either.   What’s a creator to do? Create perspective. Create Space. The more narrow my intentions in any one day, the more I feel behind, late, and lost. The more open to possibility and change I am, the more each moment because a treasure I am supposed to find. Balloons can’t rise unless you let them go.   Let go of your assumptions and expectations and your cares can rise and float away like a bouquet of helium balloons. Try it- let go of the current story you are telling yourself that is causing you worry, pain or anxiety.   What if you’re wrong and it really won’t happen? Let it drift

Creator-based® Concerns

Sometimes Creators create concerns.   (Try saying that 5 times fast!).  As natural creators, we can create both good and not so good for ourselves.   It’s now well into the new year, and things have settled back into regular life. Thoughts are shifting to doldrums and spring break dreams.   Within that stagnant energy, it’s easy to begin to fill the space with a concern. What I am concerned or worried about is often not grounded in anything solid.   It’s simply a creation based on thoughts, input from the world, or things I have heard or seen from others. Sometimes we choose to feel concerned because it’s better than being empty inside.   Kind of like when you pick up your phone simply because there’s nothing else to do.   We can create a concern because if we’re worried about something, at least we’re not sad or scared or angry about something else. There are many reasons we choose concerns. What if every time you found yourself sorting life in your head, you stopped and noticed, “Wha

Your Creator-based® Course

What does the course of a Creator-based Life look like? It looks messy. It has moments of joy. It has moments of sadness and grief. It is angry. It is forgiving. It has moments of delight and clarity. It has moments of confusion. It has seasons of growth. It has reasons of much deserved, absolutely delicious rest. It has pleasure. It is stretching your soul. Though you are deliberately creating your life, it is not a linear life path.   A CB® life path climbs and tumbles, over and over again.   The ultimate trajectory, however, is ascension. You’re better at things this year than you were last year.   Repeat that year after year and you are creating something spectacular. A Creator-based life is constantly changing , and different by design. A creator-based life is powerful and will change the world. Gradually. Softly. Often imperceptibly. Until it doesn’t, and suddenly, the change is huge! Let’s create together. All my love,  Beth