
The one thought that almost brought me down....

Monday Morning Inspiration Faith Fueled, Creator Led.  I'm just a sucker for a cute little VW van.  We had one with the kids- a 1972 orange clunker we loved! The 7th C in the 9-C Life Imagine a person moving through life with subtle, strong qualities that emanate from deep within their very being.  You feel more confident, calm, clear, courageous, creative, and even curious when you are near them.  You love being around that person.  That’s you, friend.   You are that person.  (No arguing or eye rolling allowed) Within you- are all of those qualities.  Now, they are seldom all present at once, but they are definitely in there.  As you continue to press gently forward in hope and faith, your C’s become more and more pronounced.  You find yourself more appreciative and loving.  Soon, the 7th C of your centered self is present.  That C is Compassion.   Y’all know it’s  less than 50 days until tax day,  right?  ...