
Feeling our of balance? A little wonky? Holiday headaches, hasty holiday shopping, and hurried housecleaning- we can help.

  Monday Morning Inspiration Sometimes, the busyness of the holidays can obscure the joy of celebration and purpose.   When that happens, I go back to my plumb line. Y’all know we have spent 2024 renovating Safe Haven Retreat.  It’s beautiful, and satisfyingly ready for hosting. (  We have had much use for a plumb line- crooked trim, crooked walls, and crooked cabinets would not be a good thing.  Crooked lives aren’t good either, but how can we get clear?   Jaycine is facilitating a  John C. Maxwell Year-end Review Workshop next Saturday 12/14 on Zoom at 9 am .  It is sure to be a powerful plumb-line activity!   Reviewing what you have done this year, you are applying a plumb line to your life.   You can see if you’re on the path to creating the beautiful kitchen/life/relationship/job you want to have in 2025.  It is a brilliantly aligning practice, applying a plumb line.     Here’s why...