
Who's driving the bus? Victim or Creator?

  MONDAY MORNING INSPIRATION Create the Life You Love, the Creator-based ®  Way!   To create our one awesome, amazing, perfect life, faith is the first principle of action.  In his book, TED, author David Emerald shares a delightful parable of a defeated man who is blessed to learn from Ted, his own personal, park bench sage.    Through his parable the following formula is taught.  Like the powerful sun to which this  alludes, this dynamic of personal choice brought light back into my life.  Harnessing my  power of  faith to create change, I learned to choose each day the role I would play in my life. You can choose your role as well.  Will you be a victim or a creator? a persecutor or a  challenger? a rescuer or a coach?   WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE? VICTIM OR CREATOR? Let’s talk about each of these roles and their affect in our lives.   An argument with my partner, a stubbed toe, a stain on my favorite shirt before an important meeting;  circumstances can provoke a dive from the role o