
Creator-based® Considerations

  Many of us are not great at self-care- it makes sense to us to fix the toilet that runs incessantly, repair the oil leak in the van, or wash the dishes at least once a week. However, the concept of  taking time to tend to our own needs can feel selfish . I mean, so many other people need our time and help; isn’t it selfish to take time away from them? I know you’ve heard the spiel on an airplane flight about the oxygen mask that drops from the ceiling in the event of an emergency and the instructions to  breathe   normally  from that mask. Notable instruction is that if you are traveling with children, you are to  put the mask over your face before theirs . Doesn’t that seem counterintuitive- and really selfish? After all, they’re children and need our help. No. The reason the flight attendants insist on you breathing from that oxygen mask first is their own self-care and care for everyone around you. If you don’t get enough oxygen on that flight and keel over, who will take care of