
Creator-based Coherence

  Isabel Owen said, “There is a sweet spot between working hard and finding the path of least resistance. That sweet spot is the unforced rhythm of grace.” I know that spot- it’s the quiet state of creative flow. I feel calm, confident, and peacefully productive.   It comes when I am just challenged enough by my work but not frustrated or working too hard.   Scientists call it ‘Coherence.’ According to Greg Cootsana, coherence is a synchronizing of the logical left brain with the intuitive right brain.  In Latin it is “vis meditrix natura’ or “the power of natural healing.”  I like to think of it as “God flow.”  It’s one of my very favorite places to be. So how do we have more coherence or 'God flow' in our lives? Unplug Slow Down Breathe You know the answers. However, I think C.S. Lewis said it best: (He said most things best.) “The first job each morning consists in shoving all other voices back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, l