
Creator-based® Cisterns

  Creator-based® Cisterns   The iconic Basilica Cistern in Istanbul.   Cisterns are designed to hold water, whether they be as large as the Basilica Cistern which holds almost  75,000 gallons, or as small as the 5 gallon bucket that catches and holds water to nurture life in my garden.   Cisterns hold water for future use.   That water brings life to all around them. They have a flow in for collection. They have a flow out to serve the community and the homes nearby. Our personal cisterns may be collections of memories, relationships, habits, or accumulations of actual stuff.   I have a cistern system of morning study and meditation that adds light and energy to my days, a collection cistern of plastic farm animal toys for my grandkids (almost full), an ever-evolving cistern of relationships for which I am so grateful, and an iTunes playlist cistern that’s quite large and somewhat stagnant. Consider the cisterns in your life. Are they clear and beautifully created like the Bas