
Creator-based® Carry On!

Sometimes I get tired.   Let’s face it; I am often tired.   It’s a condition of being human. The question is, what will I do with that feeling of tiredness in my body? I could lay down and rest. (Not likely- since I really want to get things done.) I could eat something sugary and sweet. (Less likely, because nutrition is super important to me) I could tell myself how unfair life is and just complain in my mind for a while. Will I spin tales of woe and self-sacrifice?   Or perhaps injustice and persecution? (I have a vivid imagination and am quite good at this one, but it doesn’t make me feel good.) Or will I be quiet and listen to what my body tells me? She is my best friend, you know. She will go to the mat to keep me going and doing. If I choose quiet instead of storytelling I may find a troubling thought creating that feeling of tiredness. Maybe I don’t want to do something. Maybe I think I am not good enough. Maybe I am considering past hurts. Maybe I am indulging in a bit of worr