
Showing posts with the label family

A Creator-based® Life: Peace in Diversity 2

Family & Relationships: ‘Peace in Diversity'  #2 Different is not Deficient.   We are different by design. Immersed in our culture with all of the media influences and business of life, it’s easy to be swayed into opinions and expectations in our relationships. What did your culture of origin dictate? Our childhood experiences and modeling, like clay, blends colors and categories into something that feels permanent.  (It’s not, and we can help you change it). What categories were you taught in society, school, or home? What core beliefs were modeled in your childhood?   We each have family culture, community, church, and educational cultures.  They all impress upon us in their own way the way things “should” be.  This impacts our current family and relationship expectations. We form thoughts of how our family and relationships “should” be.  But are they accurate? And what happens when the family or relationship is different from our picture? Trouble.  Judgment. Distance.