
Showing posts from February, 2025

Creator-based® Confidence: Brain + Bible = the Perfect Confidence Formula

  Monday Morning Inspiration Faith Fueled, Creator Led. The 6th C in the 9-C Life: Confidence: banishing fear. We have covered 5 of the 9 C’s- courage, clarity, calm, curiosity, and creativity- now it’s time for confidence!  In the world today, fear abounds.  Creating confidence is a much needed antidote, and we can show you how.  Really!   Confidence banishes fear because it rewires the brain to interpret challenges as opportunities rather than threats. It happens through both neurobiology and spiritual truth. Let's look at both approaches-   Neuroscience Perspective:  How Confidence Rewires the Brain  1. Fear Lives in the Amygdala – The amygdala is the part of the brain responsible for processing fear. When you lack confidence, your brain sees uncertainty as a threat, triggering the fight-or-flight response.  2. Confidence Strengthens the Prefrontal Cortex– The prefrontal cortex (responsible for rational thinking and problem-solving) regula...

Is doubt holding you back? Meet the 4th C!

  Monday Morning Inspiration Faith Fueled, Creator Led. The 4th C in the 9-C Life: Courage: Your Superpower for Change Courage isn’t about being fearless—it’s about taking action even when fear is present. And guess what? You already have courage inside you! It's Monday and you're reading this. Good job. Every time you choose to try again, learn something new, or step into the unknown, you’re proving just how brave you are.   At CMH Coaching, we talk a lot about growth, and growth requires courage. It takes courage to believe in yourself, to challenge old thoughts, and to step into the person you were meant to be. Science backs this up—your brain is constantly forming new neuralpathways, which means you change! You  get to choose how. You  can  move forward, one small step at a time.   The  "Brave Breath" practice :  a powerful way to strengthen courage. Find a quiet space  and sit comfortably. Close your eyes  and take a deep breath in ...