
Showing posts from January, 2025

Feeling judgy? Here's the cure you didn't expect!

  It's Monday Morning Inspiration Time! It was a wild week, wasn't it?  I, for one, am ready for a fresh start.  The question is, what do I want this week to look like?  I can choose any one of the '9 C’s’—curious, calm, compassionate, clear, creative, courageous, confident, or choice. They are all qualities that ground and center me.   I especially love the idea of curiosity, though, and it creates the week I yearn for.   For me, curiosity cures a multitude of evils.  When I judge my neighbor, I can instead choose curiosity about what kind of day they’ve had and feel more compassionate towards them. When I judge myself, I can alleviate self-pity or discouragement by wondering what part of me was protecting or defending myself that I chose the regretful actions I just carried out.  I can get curious about what’s going on inside. When I’m having a day where everyone just plain seems stupid (it’s not about ya’ll at all, it’s all about me) I can ente...

Why focusing OUT will bring more clarity IN

  Monday Morning Inspiration A Faith-Fueled, Creator-Led Life Clarity is one of those words we often hear but rarely stop to think deeply about. It’s not just about seeing clearly—it’s about understanding, precision, purity, and even sanity. As I performed the promised WordHippo search from last week’s podcast, I was blown away by the depth of this single word.    Clarity is: - Coherence and intelligibility  - Transparency and purity  - Intuitive understanding and insight  - Richness of flavor, sound, or vision  - The quality of being clean, bright, and illuminated  And even one’s sanity    Try it! WordHippo it yourself!   Each of these meanings offers a perspective on what it truly means to live with clarity. But clarity isn’t something we passively acquire—it’s something we actively create. And often, we create it by embracing the second backward law in The Creator-based® Way, “Focus Out to Bring More In”   Society teaches us...