
Showing posts from September, 2024

How to gear up for the upcoming busy holidays, the Creator-based® Way

  We have officially moved out of our self-care summer. I hope yours was beautiful. Charging into the school year and the holidays, wouldn’t it be nice to keep that summer self-care feeling?   Self-care doesn’t end when the summer does.   Here are some tips to help you strengthen yourself for the season ahead. Saundra Dalton-Smith inspired me this week with the idea that Sacred Rest isn’t just for Sundays.  Her blog on Emotional Resilience was spot on!   As we  ‘practice a pause’ in our day or our week, we can fortify our creative abilities  and our Creator-given power of choice, creating space for peace and grounded security.  Who wouldn’t like to feel grounded and peaceful as the pace of life picks up? It is possible, you know.   CMH, in CMH Coaching, stands for Compassion, Mindfulness and Hope.   Here are 3 ways those principles can help you prepare for the season ahead and keep that lovely summertime feeling going.   Create compassionate, restful moments in your day.  Summertime tr
  Miracle: wonder, marvel, healing, opened, restored We can either live in a world of miracles or mediocrity.    And while I believe, like the Music Man, that mediocrity is not a mortal sin, I also believe in miracles.  Every.Single.Day.   A miracle has been defined as a wonder.  Synonyms include marvel, healing, opened, restored.   Now I don’t know about you, but  miracles have been in my life all week long.   Wonder:  When I turn on the faucet, clean, potable water comes out. Magic!   Marvel:  My grandson Eli has learned to walk.  One day he is a gecko boy, slithering along on his belly, wiggling back and forth to move forward, and the next he is vertical and upright.  Watch out world, here he comes!   Healing:   I cut the top of my foot while moving into the main house last week.  After less than a week, my body has created new skin and healed almost to the point that you can’t even tell.  Regeneration is bliss.   Opened:  Where I was emotionally blocked, I met with my coach and she