
Showing posts from April, 2024

I feel wimpy this morning, what can I do?

  Create the Life You Love, the Creator-based ®  Way! CLAIM YOUR PERSONAL POWER Adaptive perfectionism is consciously or unconsciously  harnessing the power of perfectionism to help you heal. It's like harnessing your horse. With the harness, you put boundaries on the horse's power , driving all that power into something great.   A Perfectionist who isn’t managing their power can get deep in with their inner critic, becoming self-critical and simmering in shame.  They can actually create a negative cycle of false identity and victimhood.   How do you shift out of the victim cycle?  One way is to use ‘I am’ statements. Of course, your statements must pass the three gates to come out of your mouth and ideally pass those gates to even be in your mind.    ‘I am’ statements must be 1.  True 2.  Helpful  3.  Kind     There are statements that are true but are not helpful.  There are statements that are true and helpful but not kind.  Your statements must pass all three gates: true, h

Creator-based® Coaching is born!

  Monday Morning Inspiration April 22 2024 |  EDITION NO. 00229 Hey friend, Let’s talk  Creation .  Paul taught the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”  That’s a bold declaration of the faith that Paul had in his omnipotent Creator.  Faith is the power that creates and moves  all things.  Now, don’t abandon ship here- this is not a Sunday School lesson.  Faith is what you used to turn on your lights this morning, remember?  Faith is what you used to start your car too.  You believed the light would turn on if you flicked the switch you wouldn’t have taken the action to do it.  I know you have faith. You’ve got this.     Let’s go back to the first step of that formula for creating your one, amazing life.  If you could feel something you really wanted to feel, what would that feeling be? I wanted to feel happy.  I thought I had put together my one, perfect, happy life.  However; some time ago, that life had gotten so out of control, I had forgotten what