
Showing posts from February, 2024

Goals and Forgetting them. We all do...

      Hope Hope Hope Let's finish Hope Month INSPIRED! Read more on the Blog   Last month we talked about ‘Inspired Goals,’ or goals that feel immediate, narrow, strong, precise, inspired, experienced, and declared.  This month we continue by talking about self-care in that same inspired way.  Have you forgotten your goals?  That’s okay- We can still hope- it is, after all, hope month.   “For it is only by forgetting that we ever really drop the thread of time and approach the experience of living in the present moment, so elusive in ordinary hours.” ― Michael Pollan,  The Botany of Desire : A Plant'S-Eye View of the World   Michael Pollan introduces the gift of forgetting.  He assuages that by forgetting, we keep ourselves from overwhelm, thereby being more effective at our actual life purpose and mission.  Too much forgetting is simply too much, but a little is a built-in perk for beating overwhelm and stress, if we will let ...

The new FOMO- Fear of Missing an Opportunity

      What is the opposite of Hope? We all know what FOMO is, and even though it's no longer hip to call it that, we’re talking about it.   FOMO is a pressure-driven force that keeps us in scarcity,  and we worry that we might miss something important.  It feels like fear.  That’s because it really is. FOMO is a  universa l and very real thing, especially when we seek to fit into society, our group of friends, and our workplace.  It’s ubiquitous in teens and young adults and breeds anxiety and pressure in young lives.   FOMO is a little different for adults raising children. We still want to be in the know, but there is an  added dimension  when we have parental stewardship to fulfill, whether it’s toddlers or grandchildren.    Should my child do gymnastics or soccer? What about the value of music lessons and time with friends? There’s an after-school program in robotics…. And it continues all the way from presch...