
Showing posts from November, 2023

Creating Light in Dark Times

  Creating light in the darkness.   Let’s talk about darkness.  We are approaching winter solstice, and it’s dark  when I wake in the morning. I miss the warmth and optimism of the summer sun, the birds singing, the world waking as I wake. I mean, it’s dark. And it’s cold and often gloomy. Do you have darkness in your life right now? Is the emotional light of your days getting shorter, and you find your thoughts with less light and hope, feeling less love? That’s okay. We have a 50/50 Life, and that dark side is part of it.   The trick, my friend, is to  remember that the light is just on the other side while it's dark.  Choose to sit in gratitude for the contrast and learning that comes in the darkness. I can still hear my yoga teacher saying, as we held a difficult pose, “Don’t fight it.” As we allow the discomfort, it feels better. Choose to allow.   Choose to learn.  Choose gratitude. Things are easier when we choose to learn as we feel through the dark times. So, as the days g

Creating a better Holiday

  "The Holidays" are coming.   There are many emotions and patterns associated with the holidays.  Yes, I said it- “The Holidays”.  The very words may conjure happy anticipation or dread and an adrenal surge. It happens every year, just like clockwork. There are so many feelings about “The Holidays.” The Holidays can be a very soothing and happy time as we enter into them in the Creator-based® Way. This tip from Alex Howard can propel you forward as you stop focusing on the upcoming problem situations and create the holiday and the life you really want.  It’s a simple little acronym- STOP. Like stop holiday stress, stop holiday dread, and stop holiday angst. Instead, use this acronym to  start creating   the holidays you would like to have. I just returned from 3 weeks at my daughter’s - a delightfully foreign place filled with children and all their attending happiness, screaming, joy, and chaos. We waited and walked through those weeks for her fourth baby to be born. In tha

Creating Peace

  Be all that you are designed to be. No more. No less.   It has taken me a long time to recognize that I was constantly looking outside myself or comparing myself with peers to discover the person that I “should” be.   I grew up feeling a lot of shame. Not belonging and not feeling like I fit in, I sensed that I was different. I felt like I needed to hide and not be my true self.   Always asking,  “What is it that will make me lovable and valuable enough to feel like I belong? ” I was always seeking for the next great thing so I could change myself. I was  constantly looking and never finding the truth. Seeking and comparing have been my inner battle. Does any of this ring true to you?  It seems to be part of being human. Each individual has their own trials. We are different by design. We are not created to be the same- only to be unified in our differences.  Becoming one has to begin with me- building a relationship with my Creator and myself. It’s a foundational responsibility to l

Creator-based® Compassion

  Creator-based ®  Compassion   What is compassion really?  Compassion is the  C  in  CMH  Coaching.    It is vital to a happy, satisfying life.  Compassion is treating someone with kindness and understanding.   It is being a good friend.   Compassion is nurturing. Listening. Seeking first to understand. Suspending judgment Consider your Compassion: When you have done something you are not proud of, what would it look like to suspend judgment and seek first to understand? Are you as compassionate with yourself as you are with others? Compassion is 'Passion with a Heart'. Give yourself the gift of compassion this week. All my love, Beth Learn more about creating your best life, the Creator-based® Way, in a private session with Beth. Register at Would you like to experience the  peace, presence, and power-filled mindset  that comes with Creator-based® Coaching?  Click here to try these out and learn more: Personal Sessions with Beth The 50/50 Girl Club More Info