
Showing posts from June, 2023

Creator-based® Considerations

  Many of us are not great at self-care- it makes sense to us to fix the toilet that runs incessantly, repair the oil leak in the van, or wash the dishes at least once a week. However, the concept of  taking time to tend to our own needs can feel selfish . I mean, so many other people need our time and help; isn’t it selfish to take time away from them? I know you’ve heard the spiel on an airplane flight about the oxygen mask that drops from the ceiling in the event of an emergency and the instructions to  breathe   normally  from that mask. Notable instruction is that if you are traveling with children, you are to  put the mask over your face before theirs . Doesn’t that seem counterintuitive- and really selfish? After all, they’re children and need our help. No. The reason the flight attendants insist on you breathing from that oxygen mask first is their own self-care and care for everyone around you. If you don’t get enough oxyge...

Creator-based® Canaries

  Yeah, I know that's a pelican- not a canary, but work with me here, k?   Today we will talk about emotions, their purpose, recognizing & handling them, and how to pick the right inner voice to listen to..... We have so many! Newsflash! As a human being, you are a bundle of ever-changing emotions. You have no choice whether you have feelings or not. They are always happening. Why? Emotions can be likened to the canary in the coal mine. She is always there, hanging out. When the air is good, there is happy singing. When the canary crashes, you know the air quality is not good, and it's time to get out.  Feelings are valuable clues to show what is good or not good for you . Pay attention to them. Keep your canary happy and healthy. The good news is that  you can choose how to respond to the feelings coursing through you.   You can also greatly influence your emotions by the thoughts you habitually think.  Your habitual thoughts make the differe...

Backward Laws

I have been carrying around some unwanted extra weight, and it’s disturbing my peace of mind. (Actually, the stories I am creating about it are giving me trouble.) Along with that, I’ve been working with a couple of health issues that I would dearly love to be resolved. This morning, in a consult with my Creator, I asked about it, considering a change in diet. Let’s be real- I hoped that divine direction would be the kick in the pants I needed for my next weight loss approach. Regardless, I asked, “Will my body be healthier if I weigh less?” The answer I was blessed to receive blew my mind. “When you are healthier, your body will weigh less.” What an amazing reframe! And it seems completely backward, in a very real way. It’s another backward law. When I focus on caring for myself in love and kind compassion, building health, and supporting my personal needs, I am healthier.    As I am healthier, my body naturally acclimates to the conditions of love and com...

Creator-based® Compassionate Contentment

I have spent the last several days in a funk.  You know, the kind where everything feels off, and you want to pick a fight with someone? Yeah, it’s not been fun for me or for anyone I live with. This morning as I was visiting with my Creator and asking for help, a funny thing happened.   All of that grumpiness lightened, and felt better as I felt a compassionately content Spirit arrive. My heart fell back in the range of possibility, and the dark fog lifted.  It was lovely.  I asked for help becoming the person He wanted me to be.  I know that growth is a process, and I love the feeling of getting better.  Part of my funk was frustration, so I apologized and tried to find new avenues of advancement.  I knew He would help me in that process. To my surprise, as I asked for help, that ‘Compassionate Contentment’ found a voice within my heart and mind, saying, “ You are who I want you to be.”  I felt the most glorious smile of love a...