Creator-based® Cleansing

Did you know there is such a thing as Hope Coaching? Borne from pure Positive Psychology, this kind of work will help you create clear goals and produce multiple ways to achieve them. Then, your coach will help you reframe any barriers as challenges & opportunities and use pathways thinking and agency thinking to build the life you crave. Hope coaching is amazing. We do it here in most of our sessions. We help clients hold on to their specific belief strongly enough that they achieve their desired outcome. We help them create hope. It’s like that old saying, hope so hard you create trust. That’s trust in yourself and others, friend. You can learn it. You can make it. Hope, like faith, is a power . it is not just wishful thinking. Wishing is ambiguous and passive. Hope is active. You choose it. This week on the podcast, we’re considering blocks to hope and how to...