
Showing posts from March, 2023

Creator-based® Cleansing

          Did you know there is such a thing as Hope Coaching? Borne from pure Positive Psychology, this kind of work will help you create clear goals and produce multiple ways to achieve them.  Then, your coach will help you reframe any barriers as challenges & opportunities and use pathways thinking and agency thinking to build the life you crave.  Hope coaching is amazing. We do it here in most of our sessions.   We help clients hold on to their specific belief strongly enough that they achieve their desired outcome.  We help them create hope. It’s like that old saying, hope so hard you create trust.  That’s trust in yourself and others, friend.  You can learn it.  You can make it. Hope, like faith, is a power .  it is not just wishful thinking.  Wishing is ambiguous and passive.  Hope is active. You choose it.   This week on the podcast, we’re considering blocks to hope and how to overcome them.  One of my favorite tools for overcoming is gratitude.  Abundant hope has its

Your personal Creator-based® Course

  Hope is a motivator to action. But what kind of hope will get someone off the couch and moving again? I’ve come across four different types of hope so far in my life. Maybe you have experienced others. If you have, please share, I’d love to hear them! For me, the first kind of hope is having a clear understanding of my current circumstances while believing in the possibility of good things to come.  That’s my ‘go-to.’ It is founded on positive life outcomes and faith. It’s a broad brush, and it feels good fast, motivating me to move.  I believe that tomorrow will be better than today. Then, there’s magical hope . (It needs to be pink and have unicorns .) I have a great imagination, and this one is the most vivid for me. It’s the belief that I’ll pass that exam even though I didn’t study, simply because I believe I will. This is also the hope that comes with being super hyped up and excited about a new group product I’m selling and the expectation of being incredibly rich with ver

Your Creator-based® Corner

    Hiya friend, I heard that you might be in need of uplift or inspiration and that you’ve been running a little low on hope.   Are one too many hard things going on in your life right now?  I have good news! Disappointment is finite.   It ends!   That makes me smile just writing it. You can look past disappointment and see the good that awaits you around every corner.   That’s hope. Try it today. When things are disappointing, think to yourself,  I know that only good awaits me around every corner.   Then, look “around the corner” to imagine the good thing that is coming. Maybe it’s an ice cream cone. Maybe it’s a raise. Maybe it’s a smile from a stranger. Maybe it’s that dream you’ve wanted for years. Big or small, it is there,  There is good waiting for you around the corner  as hope. All my love, Beth Do you know about our podcast    A Creator-based® Life ?   New episodes arrive every Saturday morning to help you create your one awesome, amazing, perfec

Creator-based® Currents

                                          This is the last Grit and Grace Podcast.  It's with Mandi,   an amazing model for hope!      As our boys were growing up, our family was actively involved in the Boy Scouts of America.    Watching our sons move from Tiger Cubs, Bears, and through the ranks from Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout was satisfying and not a little busy!  Scouting gave us a framework to help our boys grow into the amazing men they are today.    Each time one of the boys attained the rank of Eagle Scout, I learned a little more about eagles.    Did you know that eagles are not afraid of storms?    While all the other birds seek safe shelter in stormy weather, the eagle will deliberately fly into the storm winds and use those powerful forces to its advantage.     I bet the lift is incredible! March is Hope Month here at CMH Coaching.    (That’s what the H in CMH stands for.).   I love the dynamic example of the Eagle and his bold hope.  Louisa May Alcott said,  “I am not a