
Showing posts from January, 2023

Grit and Grace Part 1 Venerable Women

  February is story month on the podcast.    All month long, Jaycine will be interviewing and telling the story of venerable women.                    Do you know what a venerable woman is? A venerable woman is wise, worthy of respect, and has been around long enough to know stuff.  She is not perfect. She is a balanced combination of both grit and grace.  We have many famous venerable women in our society- some may come to mind for you.  I think of Wendy Watson Nelson, Maya Angelou, Sariah and Mary from the Scriptures, Karen Drucker, the talented and venerable songwriter and singer, and the good friend that serves me so generously and takes time to answer my questions and teach me in patience (and often, long-suffering).  I’m sure you know many venerable women as well. One of the hallmarks of a venerable woman is her well-earned endowment of grit and grace. According to author Angela Ducksworth, grit is our ability to pursue our goals with passion and perseverance as a marathon,

I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D. Self Care Part 3 What's your tendency?

Inspired Self-care, the Creatorbased® Way: make it easier on yourself. One way to utilize the principle of Do less, Expect more is to partner with other trusted authorities.  One of my trusted authorities is Gretchen Reuben. I have followed her Podcast ‘Happier' for years and find it brings light to my life. Gretchen teaches that we can create peace and increase productivity by understanding our innate tendency in how we respond to outward demands on our time and talents.   Understanding your tendency will help decrease your workload through self-awareness and educated decision-making. When someone asks you to do something for them, what is your most common response to their request?  Do you get right on it? Do you need to know more before you can give an answer? Is your first response simply, “no.”?  Or maybe, even though you planned to have some much-needed quiet time just for yourself, you dismiss your self-care and go all in for their need. Gretchen Ruben teaches about ou

I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D. Self-care

  Hi there! Last month we talked about ‘Inspired Goals,’ or goals that feel immediate, narrow, strong, precise, inspired, experienced, and declared. This month we continue by talking about self-care in that same inspired way.   Self-care, Creator-based® style, means ‘Do less and expect more.’ This is an approach in which you maintain your status as a creator- not a victim. So often, I can feel like a victim in my self-care- I got interrupted and didn’t finish, needed more sleep and didn’t get up, got too busy and didn’t do it. Life was too hard.  The first step out of the victim role is to recognize that you are the creator of your life experience and that you have within you light and truth-  all the power you need to grow and progress. From this foundation of power, you are ready to talk about a few points in creating a tailor-made self-care program for yourself.   Your program will need  enough challenge to help you grow enough comfort to keep from wearing you out  enough support

What does it mean to do less and expect more? Is that really even a thing?

Hi there, friend! What does it mean to Do Less,   Expect More? I mean, who doesn’t want more for less ?   The concept of Do Less, Expect More is inviting, yet it feels like a backward idea. We have long cultivated a belief that the harder we work, the more we get.   That can be true.   However, sometimes doing more is just working harder without a great result. We need educated guidance and strength.   We can wear ourselves out by doing too much without focus. Quite often, our advice comes from a partner. When yoked with your Creator, ‘Do Less, Expect More’ can be remarkable in abundance and the help it brings to our lives.  After all, who wouldn’t love to have a champion, a mentor, and a guide? Call your Creator what or whom you will; we are each designed for companionship with a higher power.  For some, it is science; for others, it is Jesus; others may cleave to a personal companion.  The idea is to be connected in the Creator-based Way to your Mentor or respected Higher Author

What is the Creator-based® Way? Jan 2, 23

What is the Creator-based® Way?   What does it mean for you? (It means, happily, that you get to choose!). This past Christmas weekend, though glorious, was a roller coaster of emotions.  All weekend long, I was given the choice to act and think as a victim or a creator.  You were too.  Maybe you missed loved ones or were without the funds you wanted to buy that perfect present.  Maybe you have been sick or chronically ill, alone, single, divorced, or just plain unhappy.  If you are experiencing any of these, this is where you can really thrive! You see, in the Creator-based® Way, you are the creator of your life and your experience in it.  You are not a victim of your circumstances - unemployment, loss, illness, or rejection. Within you is light and truth, all the power you need to grow and progress.  You have incredible capacities. By making a deliberate choice to be the person acting instead of a person who feels they are being acted upon empowers and directs us. We are each g