Creator-based® Celebrations

June marks the halfway point of the year. It's almost Independence Day. Remember those New Year's goals and resolutions? Celebrating Summer Solstice and all the goodness of the growing season might make us too busy to consider and even celebrate the progress we are making. Are you ready to celebrate? Everybody loves to celebrate- come on, let's do it! How do you feel in your swimsuit? That good, huh? The summer 'donning of the swimsuit' ritual can be a great measure of progress. I’m sure you know what I mean. Oh, I need one that covers this lump or bumps, makes me look better than I think I look, hugs, smooths, flattens, is the right style, color, trend, etc. so I feel good enough to stand tall in my almost naked vulnerability. Can a swimsuit do all that? Wow, we give it power! What other areas of your life do you give inordinate power? Is there a place where you don’t feel like you can celebrate because...