
Showing posts from June, 2022

Creator-based® Celebrations

  June marks the halfway point of the year.  It's almost Independence Day.  Remember those New Year's goals and resolutions? Celebrating Summer Solstice and all the goodness of the growing season might make us too busy to consider and even celebrate the progress we are making.   Are you ready to celebrate?  Everybody loves to celebrate- come on, let's do it! How do you feel in your swimsuit?   That good, huh? The summer 'donning of the swimsuit' ritual can be a great measure of progress.  I’m sure you know what I mean.  Oh, I need one that covers this lump or bumps, makes me look better than I think I look, hugs, smooths, flattens, is the right style, color, trend, etc. so  I feel good enough to stand tall in my almost naked vulnerability. Can a swimsuit do all that? Wow, we give it power! What other areas of your life do you give inordinate power? Is there a place where you don’t feel like you can celebrate because  you're simply “not there ye

Creator-based® Consults

  There is so much joy in consultive camaraderie! Being with a friend or loved one can make a huge difference in your day.   Now that we are coming out of the pandemic, we are seeing more of each other and it’s lovely, but we may be a little rusty at conversation and consulting. Have you ever wondered how you could be better in conversation and support with a friend or loved one?  You can create a nourishing environment that will feed both of your souls with a few simple steps. First: Listen Well.  That means speaking less than you listen, focusing on them and staying present.  As you are fully present, you will create an energy and environment that nourishes you while supporting them.  It’s a win-win. Second: Believe their experience. We all walk through life with a personal filter, or a set of glasses, if you will.  Those glasses may be rose-colored or gray.  Everyone has their own experience and sees things in their own way.  A good listener will believe that the experience th

Your Creator-based® Critic

Your Creator-based® Critic I know you are probably very familiar with your Creator-based® Critic. You have created him or her.  Everybody has one.   She can be rude, scary, and loud. She is an internal moderator,  the voice that points out your less than stellar performance or the flaws in your work.   Your inner critic is a fierce protector.   She is there to keep you safe, happy, and comfortable, but she is not always very nice.   She can sometimes be downright mean, and that makes it hard. This week let’s consider the proper care and feeding of an inner critic. Most of you are familiar with Creator-based® Coaching.   It is an entirely new approach to being creatively alive, healthy and happy.   Of the 5 tenets, tenet number two of CBC® is  “You have within you light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.”    You are created for success.  It’s all in there, promise. Your inner critic wants you to succeed.  The problem is that she is less educated

Creator-based® Commitment

  Creator-based® Commitment Is there anything you feel utterly, completely, and wholly dedicated to in your life?  For me, that is my God, my husband and family, and my practice of helping, teaching, and coaching others. My commitment list also includes creature comforts: avoiding pain, air conditioning, things that smell good, a soft bed, and good food… I am still somewhat of a hedonist. Guilty as charged.  What wholehearted commitment calls to you in your life?  Maybe it’s good chocolate, but I bet there’s more. Do you feel called to art, music, development, youth, or a social group?  Is there something you are wholly and utterly committed to?  Take some time, do a brain dump and create a list.  What matters to you? write it down. It will surprise you just how committed you already are. While sitting in church, feeling the love of God and the peaceful goodness that comes from the spirits of those around me in the congregation, the Spirit eased a fear that had been on my heart that, a