
Showing posts from January, 2022

Creator-based® Chutzbah

  Creator-based® Chutzpah When you were a little kid, were you the one on top of the monkey bars, swinging underneath, or sitting in the gravel playing below? Each of us has a unique set of gifts- a disposition if you will. Fast forward some years, and that “disposition” has made itself manifest in your adult life. Where are you now? On top, in the middle, or at the bottom of what you’d like your life to be? Do you have Chutzpah? Chutzpah is a Hebrew word meaning guts, boxy, supreme self-confidence to the point of being cheeky and audacious. Chutzpah is for people who really know who they are and why they are here. Knowing who you are and your purpose or life calling makes all the difference. The question is if you don’t know what that is, how of you get that self-confidence and increase it to the point of unabashed audacity? Here are a few ideas to help you create Chutzpah in your life. Even if you don’t make it to unabashed audacity, I’m pretty sure they will at least help you feel m

Creator-based® Character

Don’t you love that image of the cow? When we first moved to the country, we bought a milk cow from a local dairy. We named her Elsie- after the Borden Milk cow. Elsie had been retired from the dairy because her milk production was 'down', and she came to enjoy family life at the farm with us. Every once in a while Elsie would escape our tenuous, rickety fence, and when she did- the image above is what I would see from my kitchen window. Elsie would lumber up to the house, pressed her nose to the kitchen window, and watch. She was a huge Holstein, probably at least 6 1/2 feet at the h ead, and serenely chewed and peered at me from the great outdoors. Unnerving- but funny. At the time, we had 4 sons at home, whose assignment it was to care for and milk Elsie twice a day. She gave us 2 gallons at the morning milking and another 2 in the evening- 4 gallons of milk every day! Even all the kids at home couldn’t drink that much. We made cheese, yogurt, pudding- lots of it, butter, a

Creator-based® Choices

  Hi there, Friend! Your Creator-based® year has begun! Last week we talked about how to feel that quiet closeness in decision making.  This week I'd like to go a little deeper into it.   How do you decide when you have to make a big choice?   Consider beginning by clearly defining your choice, listing the pros and cons. You know, the stuff we have all been taught. But then, consider a three-point process using your: Heart Gut Mind/Trusted others Your heart Take some time and nourish your heart with your favorite wholesome approach. Heart nourishment comes from many areas but might include inspirational reading, great music, time in the outdoors or simply blowing off steam in physical activity. Whatever makes your heart quiet, centered and content is the right thing for you.   Your Gut You know when you get the feeling in your gut that something is just wrong? That tight, maybe sinking feeling? It might be in your heart, your shoulders, or even your

Creator-based® Closeness

  As we begin another year, everyone is all a buzz about New Year’s resolutions and goals.   But how do you know if they are the right resolutions for you? Enter Creator-based® Closeness, also known as Spirit-led listening. Some people call creator-based® closeness communion with their Creator, prayer, or meditation, but it is that physical and emotional state of stillness and communion with the infinite flow of Life. For me, it feels like a warm, sunny, quiet beach with the sound of the surf and the gulls and nary a care in the world.   Peace. Contentment. Goodness. Bliss.   O ne.Happy.Heart. It’s wonderful. How does one create closeness of this kind? How do we become Spirit-led listeners? All creation and life are interconnected and reflect the love of our Creator.   When we pause to appreciate that work, we will feel close.   Slowing down and feeling is key.   Your body is an amplifier of feelings- be they emotional or physical.   Listen to it. Three little projects for you to consi