
Showing posts from December, 2021

Creator-based® Contentment

  What would it look like in your life if you were simply content with what you were doing and where you were each day? With an outlook like that, you could move through the world virtually stress-free!. Wow, that sounds wonderful! To me, it sounds like preschool, and the time I spent in the sandbox when I was 3.   The sandbox was my safe place.   It was a place I could be whomever I wanted to be and feel completely whole.   That changed when I started leaving the house regularly to attend kindergarten.   Contentment sounds so good! But, does the idea of feeling content worry you a little?   Does it feel like you might not accomplish anything if you didn’t have the ‘drive of discontentment’? What would like look like to   not to feel worried,   not to think we are lacking in some way and simply feel content? How does one create contentment, anyway? Contentment comes from a combination of faith and trust. Deep contentment comes in knowing your purpose and pursuing it.   Th

Creator-based® Challenges

Ahhhhh, the big holiday rush is over.  It’s quiet.  Time for a lovely cup of tea and time to sit down, rest and ponder.  But wait!  My busy brain steps in….The New Year is right around the corner, and there are decisions to be made! What will 2022 be like for me? What do I want to accomplish, be or do? Sometimes I wish I had a telescope that could gaze into the future.  This is usually the case when I am challenged by a situation and trying to make a decision. (Like resolutions…)  I don’t want the discomfort and perceived risk of not knowing.  Has that ever happened to you? Decision-making can be fraught with challenges, not the least of which is brain freeze and overload.  But friend, it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s talk about a Creator-based® approach to challenges. In a Creator-based® world a challenge is a gift, an opportunity if you will.  As a creator, every challenge presents an opportunity for learning and growth. The ‘challenge’ for you then, is will you approach the opp

Creator-based® Kintsugi

When I was growing up, I always knew when it was Mom and Dad’s anniversary. Dad would bring home a dozen red roses and Mom would place them in a beautiful, lead crystal vase on top of the TV. There they would abide for two weeks or so. The room was usually dark for television watching, so I couldn’t see a lot of the vase,  but I knew it was a treasure.   Fast forward many years, and the lead crystal vase now has a treasured home on my shelf. It’s out every day, sparkles in the sunshine, and is dusted and loved regularly. If  anything ever happened to the vase, I would be very sad.  It is a reminder of many of the beautiful things I remember from growing up.       The Japanese people have an elegant, centuries-old tradition of mending broken ceramics called Kintsugi. I dread to think that my vase would ever be broken, but if it did,  Kintsugi would be my first choice for repair.    You see, when a vase is broken, an artisan is employed to mend it with a special lacquer. Carefully piecin

Creator-based® Criticism

 Just as we can create good in our lives, we can also create situations that are really, truly, not so good.  Take your very creative, story telling, inner critic.  Has she been active lately?   The holidays are a time when my critic really gets going. How do your calm your inner critic? My first ‘go to’ is  prayer.     In  meditation  I connect with my Creator knowing that all the love and answers I need are found there.    I receive comfort and constructive guidance through my Creator on the regular. Second:    Try bringing in experiences that create light in your life like: Spending time with people that love you ; on the phone, text, social media, or gasp- live! Good friends who see you for who you are Third: Consider prayerfully  releasing the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that fuel that old pattern of criticism .    I train people to do that in my practice for free- just schedule an Emotion Code session Fourth:  Reading things that nourish your soul

Creator-based® Cheer

  Why is it some of us give a shout of encouragement, praise or joy that the holidays are coming, and others groan in expectation of more weight on their shoulders, (hips and thighs) and more demands on their overstretched timed budget? Which one are you?  Maybe a mix, like me. Do you dread the holidays? Is it just one more thing that you have to do, buy or attend? It’s okay.  You’re not alone.  We’ve all been there. Maybe your holiday expectations are a mix of happy and crazy and sad and overwhelm.  Most of us have mixed emotions about the holiday season, and would love to feel better about it.  I mean, we always appreciate incremental improvement, right? So let’s  put our Creator-based® hats on and create some cheer. How would you like to feel during the upcoming holidays?  Happy? Peaceful? Joy? Feeling stable, appreciated, loved?  Yeah, we all do.  We want to feel that way every day, it’s simply magnified at the holidays. So how do we magnify the peace, joy, and abundant feelings in